Dingo_aus' suggestions for getting started with the Raspberry Pi

Dingo_aus' suggestions for getting started with the Raspberry Pi

All the commands below are to be entered into a terminal window. In the GUI

Start > Accessories > LXTerminal

NB this assumes you already having a working network connection
  •  Change the password for the default user as you now have a computer on the Internet which is easily identified and the default password widely known.

[this will prompt you for a password change]
  •   update repositories and system

 sudo apt-get update 

[this updates the repositories]

sudo apt-get upgrade

[this actually updates the software and will take a while]

  • Install htop [this allows you monitor the CPU usage, RAM usage and to kill errant processes]

sudo apt-get install htop

  • Install Geany [a nice text editor]
sudo apt-get install geany

 If you have a Raspberry Pi Camera then you should follow the instructions here
